Thursday, April 2, 2015

Armando's Commandos #7

Madeira Roberts
Aminee Starlight
Meryl Silverburgh
Seras Victoria
Tony Stark/Iron Man
The Illuminati

#7 Little Red Dot

Fade in: Sector Three Streets

Armando, Madeira, Kragen, Deadpool, Meryl, and Skids take behind cover because of the super soldiers. Armando fires from his arm gun, Madeira sends wave after wave of electrical attacks at the group, Kragen throws a grenade, Deadpool keeps shooting while going “Bang!” Meryl fires with her Desert Eagle, and Skids fires back with her pistol. Inflicting zero damage against the heavy armor of the soldiers. Even with the grenade the thirteen Vulture men keeps firing bullets that move faster than the Resistance's.

Madeira: What is up with these guys?!

Armando: Reserve ammunition! Try to find a weak point in their armor if you can!

Meryl comes up from behind her cover to fire off more shots only to get blast in the torso for her trouble.

Armando: Meryl!

Kragen go over to Meryl to check on her seeing that they mostly hit her bullet proof vest.

Meryl: These guys don't miss.

Kragen: Auto-lock.

Deadpool: Auto-lock? Cheaters! You no good cheaters!

Armando: Let's see how good they are with their naked eyes. Kragen!

Kragen tosses a chaff grenade into the air. As soon as it explodes the super soldiers' auto-lock system jams as well as their visions on their visor making them rely on their naked eyes allowing Armando's team to fall back as the enemy prove not to be a good shot without their equipment.

Armando: As I thought. All technology and brute force. Those men don't have any real skills.

Armando turns on his radio.

Armando: Victoria, we're under attack in Sector Three. Thirteen men, heavy armor, with advanced auto-lock weapons. Vulture is also firing something from the sky that's transporting them. Keep an eye out for a little red dot.

Seras: Roger, Commander. We're closing in on your position.

Armando turns off the radio and when the group looks up they see Iron Man landing and putting Aminee down.

Madeira: Aminee!

Deadpool gets in front of Made.

Deadpool: BABY! It's been what, five episodes? C'mere and give daddy a kiss.

Aminee punches Deadpool and then hugs Madeira.

Aminee: It's good to see you again, dear.

Madeira: Did they hurt you?

Aminee: They tried.

Deadpool: Playing hard to get, huh? I like it.

Iron Man: Trust me, pal. She isn't.

Deadpool: Fuck off, talking robot.

Aminee: Who's the blond?

Armando: This is Skids. We found her at the Morlocks camp. She was the only one left alive after Bane's group slaughtered them.

Aminee: Damn. I'm sorry.

Skids: Thank you.

Iron Man: What do we got?

Armando: Thirteen men further down the road and the Wild Geese will be arriving soon. We just need to hold out until then.

Iron Man: Got it.

Armando: Tony, we need to stick together!

Iron Man takes off after the super soldiers.

Armando: Goddammit!

Deadpool: Yeah, he isn't much of a team player until the crossover movie.

Armando: We can use one of these buildings as cover and ambush them. Move out!

Iron Man flies out and over the super soldiers launching a tank missile by their feet. The missile explodes, a loud boom follows the explosion and to Iron Man's surprise the soldiers come out of the blast without a mark on them.

Iron Man: These guys no sell worse than Hulk Hogan.

Iron Man flies back, firing from his repulsors at the ground forcing them to move back from the rest of the group while using JARVIS to scan for any available weak points. The super soldiers start to shoot upward hitting Iron Man's armor and knocking him off balance momentarily. Iron Man uses JARVIS to hack into their weapons and jam the radar signal before using his smoke to cover the below area blinding them. Iron Man flies down low through the smoke, coming up to one of the super soldiers and punching them right in the face breaking in their visor and knocking him back into his comrades.

JARVIS: Master Stark, I seem to be receiving some interference.

Iron Man: Find the source.

The Illuminati appears inside Iron Man's helmet.

The Illuminati: Shutting down.

Iron Man's suit shuts down causing Tony to fall to the ground as his armor comes off and the super soldiers surround him. Illuminati speaks through the super soldier's radios:

The Illuminati: Take him into custody. The General wishes to have his power armor for himself.

Before the super soldiers can act a cannon's fire knock them back through the air and away from Iron Man. We see Seras and the Wild Geese pulling up several feet away, Seras and her men provides cover fire while their comrades run towards Iron Man and retrieves him from the battle.

The Illuminati: Activate Mark VII.

Tony's suit comes to life on its own and flies up into the air.

Tony: That's not good.

Seras: What's happening?

Tony: Vulture's A.I. hacked my suit.

The Mark VII fires a tank missile at the Wild Geese.

Tony: MOVE!

Seras, Tony, and the Wild Geese get away from their vehicles, a couple of the Wild Geese being lost in the explosion. Seras holds up the Harkonnen Cannon at the suit.

Tony: Wait, that's a millions dollars worth advanced hardware!

Seras: It's about to be scrap metal!

Seras fires several rounds from the cannon at the suit, the suit evading each shot and unloading repulsors, missiles, lasers, and smoke down at the group. The super soldiers splitting off into two groups, one staying to fight the Wild Geese and the other half going after Armando's group.

Cut to: Armando's Group

Armando and the rest of his crew are hiding out in a tall building with their weapons aim through the window.

Deadpool: This is boring! When do we get to waste these guys?

Armando: Quiet, Wade! With any luck we won't have to.

Meryl is seen having surgery on herself with Made's help.

Madeira: Looks like the bullet ripped clean through. You were lucky.

Meryl: If you can call being shot lucky.

Aminee: I think I preferred being electrocuted.

Skids: Why hold you on trial after all that time?

Aminee: Simple, they wanted to use me to lure out the rest of you. Looks like it worked.

Armando: They have another thing coming if they think they're taking us out here. Who gave you the order?

Aminee: What?

Armando: To assassinate General Vulture, who gave you the order? Because it sure as hell wasn't me.

Aminee: Imai and Logan.

Armando: I knew it.

Kragen: Over there.

Kragen and Deadpool finds the super soldiers in-coming through the scopes of their rifles as the others see them coming from the distance.

Armando: All right, everyone, get ready. Can you see any weak points in their armor?

Kragen: No.

Deadpool: The visor looks pretty vulnerable.

Kragen: Too small.

Deadpool: I can make that shot easy.

Armando: We don't want to alert them to our presence until they're close enough for the others to hit. Just wait.

Deadpool: I knew I should have signed up with the bad guys.

Cut to: City's Streets

Seras continues to fire at the Iron Man suit while the remaining Wild Geese fights back against the super soldiers from cover. Tony activates the computer on his wrist and attempts to resume control of his suit.

Tony: Come on!

Stark is successful in taking back control of his suit, but as soon as he did it Seras' Harkonnen blows it sky high right in front of him.

Cut to: Armando's Group

Armando and his crew waits for the super soldiers to get close enough.

Armando: Fire!

The group open fires on the super soldiers, Skids creating a shield to protect against the enemy's bullets. Deadpool hit one soldier's right in the visor taking him out.

Deadpool: I told you I could make the shot.

Madeira uses her electricity to magnetize the armor of one soldier crushing him from within. The four remaining super soldiers back up behind cover as Armando's crew reloads.

Skids: I-I don't know how much longer I can keep this shield up.

Armando: Kragen, chaff grenades! Made, jam their weapons! The rest of you, draw their fire.

Skids lowers her shields and backs away to rest, Kragen throws a chain of chaff grenades out the window, Armando, Aminee, Deadpool, and Meryl fire on the super soldiers keeping them focus on them while Madeira concentrates her energy through the strings of her guitar and performs a guitar rift sending the energy to their guns and jamming them. The super soldiers discard their guns and fall back.

Madeira: We did it! They're leaving.

Armando: Good job, Made. I knew you could do it.

The celebration is cut short as Kragen catches the red dot from the sky at the building they're in.

Kragen: Commander!

Armando sees it too.

Armando: Shit!

Madeira: What do we do?

Deadpool: Well, I can't die. So, I guess you guys are fucked.

Armando: We're not that far up from the ground. Jump!

The group jumps out of the window and falls hitting the ground in a roll. They continue to run and then jump forward through the air as the building behind them explodes. The seven lay on the ground slowly getting up to their feet.

Armando: Is everyone okay?

Deadpool performs a thumb up to show he's all right while the others get back up to their feet. Armando looks at the burning building and then to the sky.

Cut to: City Streets

Seras and the Wild Geese continue their firefight with the super soldiers while Tony watches from a safe distance.

Tony: This is getting us nowhere, we need to pull back.

Seras: Hellsing doesn't retreat.

Tony: I'm sure that's all very fascinating in the Hellsing handbook, but here in the real world you don't get repaid for blatant stupidity. Tell your men to fall back!

Seras turns and aims her weapon at Tony through crimson red eyes.

Seras: I don't take orders from you.

Seras puts her weapon away and lunges into the group of super soldiers. Her left arm transforms into shadow that swirl sin the air as she moves. Seras collides it into the super soldiers, but it only serves to push them back as they keep firing at her. The bullets rips into her flesh only for the flesh to regenerate and Seras to continue the assault tearing her hand right through their armor and slicing apart their flesh. The shadows wraps around one soldier neck and begins to strangle him as she grabs another soldier by the head and smashes his skull into his choking comrade.

Armando and his men arrives at the scene joining the fight with the remaining Wild Geese forcing the rest of the super soldiers back into the city. Armando keeps an eye on the skies above while approaching Seras.

Armando: Are you okay?

Seras: Never better.

Tony: My suit's destroyed, but I can build another one.

Seras: No one cares about your bloody suit!

Tony: I've found that to just not be true.

Armando: Next time don't run off.

Tony: Because standing around doing nothing is so much better.

Armando: We're strongest when we're together. If everyone ran off from their teammate to solo the enemy a lot of men would be killed.

Tony: Luckily for me I'm not most men.

Madeira: We don't have time for this. Whatever is firing at us from the sky can attack again at any minute, we need to go.

Meryl: Made is right. We need to get Aminee looked at anyway.

Aminee: I'm fine, guys. Really. Just a little winded.

Deadpool: Want me to carry you?

Aminee: No.

Armando: That's fine with me. I have some things I need to set straight with Command.

The group leaves the scene. The little red dot stalking their position from above as they leave the area, and the scene fade to black.


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